Why do people, individually or as families “pull up stakes” so to speak, and move out of town? A few reasons come to mind:

• Job reassignment or relocation.

• Be closer to family or loved ones.

• To live in a better or healthier climate.

• To have better public schools for the children.

• To have a less expensive  cost of living

• ______________ your own reasons.

One reason many people won’t list, a reason that may underly  their expressed reason is, “to leave the past behind.”

Admittedly, the reasons will vary by age and personal situations.  Students going away to college have a chance to experiment with new habits and personality.  When Frank, a friend of mine, went from Maryland to Texas to go to college, he decided to express only cheerful, positive thoughts and ideas to others. He gave himself a nickname “Sunshine.”

No one knew the “type A” kid who was very serious and reserved most of the time. They knew nothing of his past.

He relished the response from his new friends.  They accepted and liked what they were experiencing by knowing the NEW Frank.  Even today after 60 years, some of them still call him “Sunshine.”

Circumstances can change, but people of any age can have similar experiences.

The past is behind you. Don’t let the baggage of unpleasant and sad memories drag you down. Unless you tell others, no one knows the bad things you have done, the poor decisions you have made, or the errors in judgment you have made in dealing with others. Aall that is in the past.

You no longer have to dwell on your past mistakes, no struggling for a rationale for your poor behavior or actions, or feel guilty about many things, large and small, that you know were wrong in the eyes of the Lord.

You can say, in a real sense, you start with a clean slate. People will form opinions of you not based on your past, but by three things; 1. what you do, 2. what you say, 3. what others do to you or say about you.  You have a chance to start anew.

Rejoice in your new life and opportunity.  Now you can find a new church and get involved in organizations that benefit others and the community.  Now you can devote energies to others since negative thoughts of your self and of former situations are behind you.

Oh, you will cherish memories of the good times, but do not dwell on them.  Rejoice in your freedom to enjoy the better times ahead.   Be like an eagle, free and soaring in the wonders of God’s skies.

The good news is you don’t have to relocate to have all this happen.  It is harder to do when you stay put, but you can do it.  And, as always, remember to pray and have faith. Trust in the Lord.

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